Featuring Mark Marshall and Laura Molen, Co-Presidents, Advertising Sales & Partnerships, NBCUniversal
As the media landscape continues to evolve, the power of live events remains as strong as ever. But what does partnership look like for marketers in this new era? How can marketers take advantage of moments that unite the country when new platforms divide viewing? In this fireside chat, hear how NBCUniversal Advertising & Partnerships Co-Presidents Laura Molen and Mark Marshall are gearing up for two major live moments – the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2020 Presidential Election – and how NBCUniversal is bringing these events to partners in new and exciting ways.
Mark Marshall, President, Advertising Sales & Partnerships, NBCUniversal
Laura Molen, President, Advertising Sales & Partnerships, NBCUniversal
Moderator: Savannah Sellers, Co-Host, NBC News’ “Stay Tuned” Correspondent, NBC News and MSNBC